TechCHAT: Instructional Specialist on Using Stepping Stones Math Curriculum (USA)

A new report recommends shifting to Digital Textbooks within 5 years
November 11, 2012
It comes as no surprise that the digital technology infiltrating many aspects of our lives will soon replace the traditional textbook. If industry predictions are on track, it won’t be long until images of students lugging 50-pound backpacks to school will look like a nostalgic Norman Rockwell scene.The State Educational Technology Directors Association’s recent report “Out of Print: Reimagining the K-12 Textbook in a Digital Age” outlines the need for a fundamental shift in providing educational materials that are consistent with today’s technological environments. Walla Walla elementary schools are already ahead of the game. They are piloting ORIGO Stepping Stones online math curriculum, which teachers believe will help more students achieve math proficiency.
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